Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Temple of the Android. Sleeping Beauty's Dungeon: 4th Level

Why a temple to her? Because there are only three rooms in the section and it sounds more grandiose and interesting than "1 Android hiding in room". Also there is only one of her. Perhaps her synthetic brain has gone a little off, and she now believes herself to be a goddess, using her laser pistol to fry unbelievers.

Section A: Temple of the Android
  1. Treasure
  2. Empty
  3. Monster & Treasure: 1 Android
Section B: Hall of Statues
  1. Treasure
  2. Monster & Treasure: 13 Goblins
  3. Empty
  4. Monster & Treasure: 80 Goblins
  5. Monster: 1 Lion
  6. Empty
  7. Empty
  8. Monster: 2 Evil Thieves
  9. Monster & Treasure: 1 Basilisk
  10. Empty
  11. Empty
  12. Treasure
  13. Monster: 2 Calots
  14. Empty
  15. Empty
  16. Empty
  17. Empty
  18. Empty
  19. Empty
  20. Treasure
  21. Empty
  22. Empty
  23. Treasure
  24. Treasure
  25. Monster: 14 Kobolds
  26. Monster: 1 Basilisk

1 comment:

  1. Have you worked on this one lately? I was looking forward to reading about this.
